EC2 - User data
User data Functionality in EC2 service is important and very handy tool. This allows us to execute script right after EC2 instance creation phase. By that we can execute,install any program we want or update, upgrade operating system on that virtual machine. User data functionality will run once just after completion of the instance creation sequence. First we need to create an EC2 instance with extra steps. Choose Amazon Linux OS so we don't have to install aws-cli tool which we will need in the next steps. Click to advanced options and add script below also tick the metadata options as well. With new metadata service it is not possible to send request to metadata service without secret key. That is why we need to use old metadata service for the demonstration purposes. Script is at the end of the page !!! We need one more thing to do, since by default all the ports are closed state. We need to add firewall allow line to open port 80 to serve our page to the public w...