Server Virtualization

Server Virtualization

Server Virtualization is key concept of cloud. This enables a lot of opportunities and also decrease the work-load of IT engineers. 

Let's suppose we have a server infrastructure, to deploy our web application on it, we must allocate resources, install operating system, required libraries/tools  etc. And do same things every time when  we transfer it to other physical server or location. 

And it is major hurdle to transfer application from this server to another one. Not only that but if our server has a lot of resources than it normally use, then it would cost us a lot of money too. We want to make sure that our application portable so that it will able to work on another computer/server as well.

Therefore hypervisor technology came into play. Hypervisor adds abstraction layer between server (host) and to the virtual machines (VM). Hypervisor allocates resources (CPU,RAM,Storage etc.) for virtual machines (VM). Thanks to this technology we can now run multiple operating systems, applications on one physical server/computer. 

Here are some hypervisor examples from  various companies :  KVM, Microsoft Hyper-V, and VMware vSphere.

Here are some benefits of using hypervisor technology :

  •  Virtual Machines are portable
  •  Lower costs
  •  Improved scalability
  •  Better resource utilization
  •  Quick deployment times


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