Identity Access Management - How to create user in IAM ?!


IAM stands for Identity and Access Management. IAM is essential component of

AWS allows you to create and manage access of user, role, application and control authentication/authorization.

There are 4 essential components of IAM :

  •  Users - are individuals or applications want to access to your AWS resources.
  • Groups - are collection of users. By this you can assign permissions to group instead individual users.
  • Roles - are special access type in IAM that allows user/resource to access another resource via temporary credentials. For example EC2 instance can access to DynamoDB or S3 bucket resources without using permanent credentials. This is possible only via Role which is great security point of view.
  • Policies - are JSON documents that define permissions. In policies we define what actions are allowed or should be denied. This can be attached to users, groups, roles.

Hands on IAM exercises :

  1.  Login to your AWS account and search for IAM : 

  2. After clicking IAM icon, you will be redirected to IAM dashboard. Where you will be able to see detailed overview of user groups, users, roles etc. 

  3.  How to create user in IAM ?! Click to Users on the left pane. You will be able to see "Create User" button on the right side of the page. 


  4.  Second step of creating user is attaching permission to them. This part is little tricky if you don't have experience with policies and permissions I highly recommend to perform this action on testing environment. Here we can add user to the group or attach policies directly to that user. 

  5. I want to provide full EC2 and EC2 related services (load balancers, cloudwatch etc.) access to that user, that is why I search EC2 keyword in searchbox and find related policy there. Check the box and add the policy to that user. If we don't attach any policy or add user to existing groups, after successful login newly created user will face with many errors because of the access/permission issues.
  6. After completing all these steps, we can provide access to console for that user, see credentials or reset the password. 

  7.  If we sign in with provided credentials, will see that we have no access to resources except EC2 which we can fully manage. 
    As explained in the steps above.


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